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Examines the integration of cutting edge science and clinical practice on various themes in pediatric pain Presents a series of clinical cases This is the sixth in the series of edited books from the International Forums of Pediatric Pain (the first four volumes were edited by Dr. Patrick McGrath and Dr. Finley, Dr. Chambers joined as an editor for the last volume). In keeping with the previous publications, the book will focus on a particular theme in pediatric pain; in this case that is the integration of cutting edge science and clinical practice on various themes in pediatric pain through the presentation and discussion of a series of clinical cases. Description of Pediatric Pain: A Clinical Casebook: 10 chapters, 300 pages, 10 figures, 10 tables. Each chapter will consist of an introduction to the chapter theme and the description of up to 3 case presentations. Following each case presentation there will be a description of the relevant clinical decision-making and a summary of what can be learned from the case. Each chapter will close with a general discussion of the theme and an integration of research knowledge with practice., This is the sixth in the series of edited books from the International Forums of Pediatric Pain (the first four volumes were edited by Dr. Patrick McGrath and Dr. Finley, Dr. Chambers joined as an editor for the last volume). In keeping with the previous publications, the book will focus on a particular theme in pediatric pain; in this case that is the integration of cutting edge science and clinical practice on various themes in pediatric pain through the presentation and discussion of a series of clinical cases.Description of Pediatric Pain: A Clinical Casebook: 10 chapters, 300 pages, 10 figures, 10 tables. Each chapter will consist of an introduction to the chapter theme and the description of up to 3 case presentations. Following each case presentation there will be a description of the relevant clinical decision-making and a summary of what can be learned from the case. Each chapter will close with a general discussion of the theme and an integration of research knowledge with practice., This package contains the following products: 9780781766166 Porth Pathophysiology, North American Edition 9781608311415 Porth Lippincott's Interactive Tutorials and Case Studies for Porth, This text will focus on a particular theme in pediatric pain; in this case that is the integration of cutting edge science and clinical practice on various themes in pediatric pain through the presentation and discussion of a series of clinical cases.

Ebook - Contemporary Pain Medicine: Pediatric Pain : A Clinical Casebook (2014, Hardcover) DJV

Illustrated throughout with black and white photographs, this is the must-have biography on a woman who has always known her public responsibility, who continues to push boundaries, and who isn't afraid to stand up for what she believes in., Always aim high, work hard, and care deeply about what you believe in.Recent research has focused on creating point-of-care diagnostic tools.Chapters are organized according to zoological groups: Marine and Freshwater Invertebrates (Porifera, Cnidarians, Annelida, Mollusks, Echinodermata) and Marine and Freshwater Vertebrates (Fish and Reptiles).In House Design: Art and Practice, DeVido shares his personal design methodology, his innovative "modular system," and insights into the technical, aesthetic, and social dimensions of house design.What makes her story so powerful is that Katrina also communicates and receives messages from the souls of those who have died.A Passion for the Fatherless includes practical and encouraging stories of how other churches and believers have cared for orphans, and each chapter contains a study guide so that a group leader could use the book in a small-group bible study.NEW FOR THIS EDITION * Two new chapters - Wound Care and Bereavement - provide valuable additions to the text * The chapter 'Aromas, Mind and Body' has been enhanced * Several new essential oils - giving properties, indications and cautions - have been added * New case histories illustrate the practical application of theory and techniques described * References have been updated and new research added The book is supported by a CD-ROM of ancillary tables covering essential oils for general use in health-care settings including indications for safe, therapeutic uses of essential oils; those to be used with caution; and essential oil definitions., Aromatherapy for Health Professionals �covers the full spectrum of theory and practice from essential oil science and the foundations of practice to the application of aromatherapy for specific conditions.Sections include chapters on anatomy, physiology, and pharmacology, along with specific chapters related to various neurosurgical and neurological problems and their anesthetic management.Techniques for fathers and partners, and much more "Focusing our intention lets us consciously begin the process of dreaming forth a new life," teaches Dr.